Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Fourth Fisherman

It is quite often a humbling experience to see God at work in the lives of us, His people...the Fourth Fisherman Event was an example of that in my life.  Most of you know that I was appointed to Northwoods UMC for the last year and a key lesson for me over there was to seek to 'default to yes' instead of automatically say 'no, that won't work'.  When Jim Hasty brought up the name Joe Kissack at a meeting that had nothing to do with the Fourth Fisherman and then Jim did the follow-up email that connected us, my initial response was that this couldn't work.  I mean, an author would charge us money just to come and we don't have money to bring him in.  The time was too tight to have a meaningful event.  There would just be too many hoops to jump through...but I remembered to 'default to yes' and see if it could happen instead of just rule it out.

So, I contacted Joe and he was not concerned with the things I was worried about.  Then he came by and the passion for God and for touching lives was so evident that Bev and I both were impressed to do all we could to reach as many as possible - though Joe said something along the lines of 'if it's 10 or 100, that's okay because that's who God wants there'. 

And we ended up with around 200 folks there on Sunday night.

Joe's story of difficult upbringing, success in Hollywood, addiction, depression, financial loss, relationship struggles and God's intervention all BEFORE connecting to the story of the Three Fishermen touched many.  And while I know that for some it might not have been everything they hoped, for some it was transforming.

Joe stuck around for a couple hours after the event as well - signing books, but also spending time with several men and women who found themselves in his story and needing a little time with Joe as God used him to reach lives.

Here's just one part of one of the stories/lives touched: 

I noticed a woman sitting off to the side while Joe signed books and spoke with folks but at first I figured she was just part of his support team.  I got one of those ‘Holy Spirit nudges’ though after a bit to check in with her, so I introduced myself and spoke for a few minutes.  She was actually part of a Bible study that meets on Sunday nights but one of the women in her group heard about Joe’s story and that he would be here so their group came to the event.  She told me it was ‘divine’ (not my name) that she was here and it didn’t take the gift of discernment to realize that she was waiting for the line to go away so she could talk with Joe about something significant to her.  She ended up talking with Joe for quite some time…and he took the time to hear her and give out God’s hope…

It is clear to me that we need to continue to seek ways to build community and reach out to those around us.  I know that Joe’s story didn’t resonate with everyone, but I also know that it did resonate with many – and Joe mentioned at the end that there were 5 or 6 that were touched significantly Sunday night as God stirred hearts.  So we stayed awhile and let God start some healing and give out some hope…it was very cool. 

It is amazing to watch God at work in the lives of His people!

God is a BIG GOD and He is moving...

Some 'don't miss' events coming up:

"A Taste of Sugarloaf" on August 10th - we will be doing a skit called "Heaven's Kitchen" with Stuart as Chef Ramsey...we will have tents to visit to get just a taste of all that is going on at Sugarloaf this fall...this is the place to be on Wednesday night at 6:30pm!!

"Mission Possible" Men's Retreat on August 12-13th at Strong Rock Camp in Cleveland, Georgia.  Is it possible or im-possible to live out Worship, Grow, and Serve in our lives?  As usual, there will be 'men events' during free time!!

"Grouplink" will be Wednesday, August 17th at 6:30pm.  Sugarloaf KIDS and Choir launch this night as well.  While 'A Taste' whets your appetite for the fall, Grouplink will give you the full meal in the different ways to grow your faith this fall!

"Our Favorite Things" Ladies Luncheon is Saturday, August 20th at 11:30am. Lori Cotter will the guest speaker and all proceeds will go to TEAR Ministry.

"Starting Point - Condensed" will be after the 11am service in the Arts Center on Sunday, August 21st so if you've been wanting to find out more about who we are, what we're about here or wanting to join with us in our mission - this is the class for you! 

We launch all of our groups the week of the 21st as well!!

Lots coming up!!

Have a tremendous day!!

(And we are looking to bring Family Camp back so if you are interested in helping with that, just shoot me or Julie Scott an email! or )

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Fourth Fisherman

Come hear the author of a best selling new book share an amazing true story of faith, hope, and healing!
WHEN: July 24
WHERE: Sugarloaf United Methodist Church
WHAT TIME: 6pm-7:30pm
Book Signing to Follow!!
Joe Kissack, brings this story to life with his multimedia presentation of this incredible and inspiring story. It is the true story of three Mexican fishermen who were rescued near Australia, after drifting 5500 miles across the Pacific Ocean for 9 months in an 8 meter boat. They said they survived on “raw fish, rainwater and their faith in God.” It is also Joe’s story about how his work, family, friendships, and marriage were rocked when he was called to tell their story of survival, faith, and hope. He was once as lost as they seemed to be. Joe weaves together two stories with a central theme, being lost and adrift with a stimulating visual presentation that allows audiences to experience the depths of despair and uplifting joy of ultimate victory over the harsh realities everyone faces in their daily lives.

Go to: to see more.

"Faith and hope unite the unlikely stories of Mexican fishermen lost at sea and an American TV executive even more profoundly lost in his affluence. You'll be inspired by this passionate tale of intertwined lives, touched by the author's unvarnished honesty, and challenged to trust God in fresh ways. Here's an adventure story that may well launch you on your own new adventures with God!" - New York Times best-selling author Lee Strobel

This is a free event - (a love offering will be available to you if you choose) - and childcare is available upon request.
We do need you to register for the event, particularly for childcare purposes: